Region F Water Plan - Regional Water Planning Group


Information on upcoming meetings and recent past meetings are posted here. Minutes of all past meetings can be found in the Archived Meetings.

Upcoming Meeting

The Region F Water Planning Group will meet on September 5, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will take place at the Colorado River Municipal Water District offices located at 400 E. 24th Street, Big Spring, Texas 77920. Meeting materials will be posted here when available. 

Past Meetings
May 23, 2024 Meeting
Notice and Agenda 
Agenda Item 4a. Consider approval of the minutes of the meeting held on February 1, 2024
Agenda Item 4b. Consider accepting the Financial Report ending February 29, 2024
Agenda Item 5a. Amend 2021 Region F Plan
Minor Amendment Determination Letter
Draft Amendment to 2021 Region F Plan
Sections A.1-A.3 RWP Modifications and Additions to Volume 1
Sections A.4-A.5 RWP Modifications and Additions to Volume 2 and Administrative and Public Process Documentation
Changes to Appendix C - WMS Evaluation Technical Memorandums
Changes to Appendix D - Cost Tables
Changes to Appendix E - Strategy Evaluation Matrix
Part 1 Changes to Appendix F - WMS Tables
Part 2 Changes to Appendix F - WMS Tables and Attachment 5
 Updated TWDB DB22 Reports
WUG Second Tier Identified Water Needs Tables and Summary
WUG Unmet Needs Tables and Summary
Recommended WUG WMS Tables and Recommended Projects Tables
Alternative WUG WMS Tables and Alternative Projects Tables
WUG Management Supply Factor Tables and WUG Strategy Supplies by WMS Type Table
WUG Strategy Supplies by Source Type Table and MWP WMS Summary Tables
Agenda Item 5b. Subordination Strategy Results
Agenda Item 5c. Water Supply Needs after Subordination
Agenda Item 5d. Water Management Survey Results
Agenda Item 5e. Legislative Recommendations from 2021 Plan
Agenda Item 5f. Schedule Review
Agenda Item 6 Region F TWDB Report Update

February 1, 2024 Meeting 
Notice and Agenda 

October 19, 2023 Meeting 
Consultant Presentation Part 2 (Groundwater Update) 

July 20, 2023 Meeting 
Notice and Agenda
Agenda Item 3a. Resignations and nominations for open positions
Agenda Item 4a. Consideration of the Minutes of the Meeting held on May 18, 2023
Agenda Item 4b. Consider accepting the Financial Report ending April 30, 2023
Agenda Item 5. TWDB Report 
Agenda Item 6a. Population and Municipal Demand Revision Requests 
Agenda Item 6b. Hydrologic Variance Request
Presentation on Agenda Items 6a. and 6b.

May 18, 2023 Meeting
Agenda Item 5. Non-Voting Membership
Agenda Item 6.  Designated Alternates
Agenda Item 7b. Financial Report 

February 23, 2023 Meeting
Notice and Agenda
Agenda Item 3a. Resignations and Nominations 
Agenda Item 4.  Designated Alternates
Agenda Item 7a. Minutes from Meeting on November 18, 2021
Agenda Item 7b. Financial Report 
Agenda Items 8a. and 8b.  TWDB General Update and Presentation on Methodology for Non-municipal Demands 
Agenda Item 9a. Proposed Draft Non-municipal Demands for the 2026 Region F Plan 
Agenda Item 9b. 2026 Regional Planning Schedule 

November 18, 2021 Meeting

November 18, 2021 Meeting Notice and Agenda 

Draft September 17, 2020 Meeting Minutes 

Region F Current Voting Member List 

Region F Current Officer List 

Region F By-Laws