Region F Water Plan - Regional Water Planning Group


In preparation for the approval of the Final 2021 Region F Water Plan, updates have been made to the 2021 Region F Initially Prepared Plan (IPP), based on public and agency comments, as well as coordination with various stakeholders in the Region F Water Planning Area. A summary of these major updates can be found here:

Summary of Major Updates between Final 2021 Region F Plan and 2021 Region F IPP

Subsequent attachments contain supporting information on the most significant updates between the Final 2021 Region F Water Plan and the 2021 Region F IPP:

Attachment 1: Infrastructure Financing Survey Results

Attachment 2: Project Prioritization

Attachment 3: Menard Alluvial Well Strategy

Attachment 4: West Texas Water Partnership Strategies

Attachment 5: Responses to Comments on the IPP


The 2021 Region F  Plan for consideration on September 17, 2020 is available for review below. 

2021 Region F Water Plan. Volume I. Main Report. 
2021 Region F Water Plan. Volume II. Appendices. 

Model Municipal Drought Contingency Plan

Model Irrigation Drought Contingency Plan 

Model Municipal Conservation Plan

Model Irrigation Conservation Plan

Model Industrial Conservation Plan 

Efforts have been made to reduce the files size to increase download speeds. Should you have difficulty downloading a document please contact Simone Kiel.